What Do Barry's Clients Say About Him?

    Our clients are talking about our amazing consultants. Read more about Barry below. And please share your own feedback too!

    Thank you for all your help in the last application cycle. I ended up getting into Ross, St. Georges, and the Atlantic Veterinary College. I ended up committing to AVC-upei.

    I am writing to share that I have recently committed to Vanderbilt University's Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (IGP) in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences.  I loved the time I spent at Vanderbilt while I visited, and I am extremely happy about their offer as someone applying straight from undergrad. Thank you so much again for all your help with my essays and interviews throughout the process.
    I received my first acceptance from this cycle, at Columbia University an MS in Sociomedical Sciences. It was really nice working with you and helping to push me in the right direction, your experience in these applications was invaluable.
    I was fortunate to work with Barry Rothman on my applications that required Personal History and Statement of Purpose essays. His wealth of experience in academia made this a much more tailored experience and he was able to give concrete advice on the best approach for each school. His general questionnaire teased out long forgotten but pertinent essay background information and we had some very amusing conversations. Barry is not just skilled at applications; he is a genuinely nice person and a great mentor. We had a eureka moment while attempting to collaborate by sending drafts back and forth when we realized that our writing idiosyncrasies and “OCD's” clashed. Barry was quick to suggest zoom meetings with joint corrections of the essays in real time. This greatly increased the effectiveness of each session and made the experience actually enjoyable. It is without hesitation that I recommend Barry to any prospective applicant. Have fun and good luck!

    I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Barry Rothman for over two and a half years since I first began my pre-medical journey. As a nontraditional medical school applicant with unimpressive stats and lack of relevant experience, I had no idea if I could even apply to begin with. However, from the day Dr. Rothman took my case and began working with me, I have been able to not only improve my application, but also grow as an individual in both a professional and personal sense.

    One of the main reasons I sought advising from Dr. Rothman was his expertise in post-baccalaureate work, and I can safely say that this decision is what allowed me to succeed this cycle despite my academic shortcomings. In addition to helping me decide what type of post-bacc to complete based on my unique situation, he also assisted me in choosing which upper-division courses to take. With his guidance, I was able to significantly improve my GPA and become a more competitive applicant.

    Although I was intimated by the actual application process, Dr. Rothman alleviated my anxieties by demystifying the application process. He helped me brainstorm ideas for my personal statement and experiences, as well as provided me valuable feedback on my many drafts. Knowing how stressful this was for me, he gave me constant encouragement and kept me on track. Though I consider myself a reserved individual, I found it easy to speak with him because of his humor and wit. Having a consultant who I trusted and knew had my best interests at heart significantly reduced my worries and gave me the confidence I needed to manage my first application cycle. 

    Dr. Rothman also provided me excellent feedback on my secondary essays and, most importantly, assisted me with interview practice. Though I initially struggled with this, Dr. Rothman was patient, nonjudgmental, and encouraging. With his help, I improved my interview skills and also learned how to exhibit more confidence, something I always had difficulty with. All this preparation culminated in an acceptance into an osteopathic medical school I never would have believed would even consider my application for secondary review.  

    I have truly gotten to know Dr. Rothman well over the past few years and I am more grateful for his help than I could possibly put into words. Without him, I currently would not be preparing for the beginning of my medical school career, a dream that felt impossible not too long ago. 

    Thank you so much for all your help, Dr. Rothman! I am glad I could turn to you throughout this long but rewarding journey. 


    Because my complex educational history, I was initially hesitant to work with a medical school
    admissions consultant, fearing that I would be unable to communicate my unique needs as an
    applicant to someone completely unfamiliar with my unusual story. However, I quickly realized
    that I would not be able to prepare for my first interview on my own.

    I had come across Dr. Barry Rothman on Admissions Straight Talk podcasts, where his wise
    insights and kind demeanor stood out, especially in his interactions with students. We also
    share an interest in neuroscience. I emailed Dr. Rothman directly to inquire about engaging his

    Dr. Rothman acquainted himself with me and my AMCAS and AACOMAS applications. He
    helped me to come up with a list of core questions likely to be asked by my interviewers and to
    develop the key components of potential answers from my autobiographic history. He led me
    through mock interviews and advised me on how best to rehearse. He provided me with a list
    of practice questions and suggested that I record myself answering them, to get used to
    speaking to a camera (since my upcoming interview was to be online). I regularly practiced
    recording responses to the questions from our list. I shared some of these recordings with Dr.
    Rothman and he provided valuable feedback. He helped me to be more focused and concise,
    keeping within time limits, and to forego hand movements that might be distracting on camera.
    When my interview came, I was familiar with the format and confident in my preparedness.
    Most of the questions I had worked on with Dr. Rothman arose in some form in my actual

    As of October 2023, I have already received my first acceptance to a medical school program.
    While I hope to receive more interview invitations in the coming months, I have the peace of
    mind of knowing for sure that I will be matriculating somewhere in summer 2024. Thanks to Dr.
    Rothman’s invaluable coaching, I feel well prepared to tackle any further interviews and know I
    can rely upon Dr. Rothman for further assistance should I need it.

    Dr. Rothman has my highest recommendation as a medical school admissions consultant. He is
    first-rate in every way.

    Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Penn... See which universities our clients were accepted to.