What Do Mary's Clients Say About Her?

    Our clients are talking about our amazing consultants. Read more about Mary below. And please share your own feedback too!

    THANK YOU for all your help, this would not have been possible without you. 
    I got accepted to the University of Maryland! 
    I finally got here! It took 21 applications over the course of 5 years and on the 21st one it finally happened. After being on the waitlist, the two people before me declined and I got in. I cannot believe my luck. I wrote to you before about how much I get along with the professor at UMD so I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. 
    I am 100% satisfied and thrilled by this outcome. 

    THANK YOU for helping me along this process. 
    Mary, I also got into Columbia! This is 100% success with your work, thanks a lot!

    I wanted to let you know that I received the great news about being admitted at NYU Master in Social Work program!

    Thank you so much for believing in me (while 2 other firms said I had to wait another year until I would be ready) and for your great work!

    I’m currently doing a Master's degree part-time, aiming to graduate by the end of 2025. Thank you Dr. Mahoney for all your help with the personal statement and the general recommendations for applying for meds school. I will definitely seek your help again when I apply to med school in 2026. 
    It was really exciting to receive this news, and could not have done it without Dr. Mahoney's help. --Accepted to UCLA Medical School
    Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Penn... See which universities our clients were accepted to.